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Showing posts from August, 2017

One of the Top Temp Agencies in Reno Shares What Bad Habits to Avoid for an Interview

If you’re searching for jobs hiring in Reno, NV , you will be trying to avoid any bad habits that you don’t want to do during an interview. Sometimes, we are unsure as to what is a bad habit for a job interview considering we stay connected to people on our cell phones constantly. Here are a few things that you shouldn’t do at a job interview so you can finish your job search in Reno. Break Free From Your Phone You do not want to bring your cell phone inside with you to your interview. You may give the excuse that you absolutely need your cell phone in case of an emergency or if a family member calls, but stop making excuses and leave the phone in your car or purse. If you end up having to wait on the employer, stay off of your phone. You are being watched and no one wants to see an interviewee on their cell phone before the interview. You should be looking over your resume and trying to think of anything other questions that you may need to ask the employer during the int...