Cell phone use is a part of everyday life. This could potentially cause some areas to be a little confusing at work on when you can and can’t use your cell phone. Of course, you don’t want to have to start a new job search in Reno because you lost your last job from being on your phone, so here are some rules to help put more perspective on cell phones at work. 1. Apply Silent Mode The first step you want to take is turning your phone on silent before coming into the building. You may work in an office filled with cubicles, or you may help c ustomers find Reno jobs hiring with an agency . A ringtone playing all day isn’t what anybody wants to hear. Be respectful of the people around you and aware of your surroundings. 2. Watch Your Boss What does your boss do? If you are checking emails or searching for an answer to a question on your phone, then you should be okay if your boss is okay with it or does it himself. Be careful though what to consider. Sometimes supe...