Procrastination is a bad habit and behavior that you need to break. It takes about 3 weeks to break a habit so don’t expect to break the habit immediately. The best way to break a habit is to avoid doing it. Here are a few tips from a recruitment company in Reno to avoid procrastinating. 1. Forgiveness Go ahead and forgive yourself for procrastinating. By forgiving yourself, you will feel more positive and reduce the need for procrastination. 2. Commitment Don’t avoid tasks but do them. Make a checklist of tasks that you must finish by the end of the day. Set aside a certain time to accomplish these tasks. Focusing on time and small tasks will help you complete your work. 3. Rewards When you finish a task, reward yourself with a treat. A treat can be your favorite candy or a cup of coffee. Rewarding yourself will let you feel how great it is to finish something. 4. Accountability Ask one of your colleagues to check up on you from time to time. Ask...